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Sunday 15 February 2015

Scientific Management According To 3 Experts

Scientific Management According To 3 Experts
Scientific management conducts a business or affairs by standards and norms established by facts, or truths inferred from systematic observations, experiences, or experiments. The following four management experts advocated scientific management:

1. Charles Babbage

2. Fredrick W. Taylor

3. Henry L. Gantt

1. Charles Babbage

Professor Charles Babbage was not only the pioneer scientific management but also the father of computer. In 1822 he invented difference machine which was a mechanical calculator. In 1833 he invented another device in the calculator which is still a basic element in the modern computers. He wrote many books in which "on the Economy of Machinery and Manufacturers" which he wrote in 1832 was the most popular.

Charles Babbage advanced the following principles of management: 

1. Division of Labor 

Labor should be divided according to specialization to increase efficiency. 

2. Management And Production 

Management activities should be separated from techniques of production. Scientific methods should be adopted in production.

3. Management Problems

Management should focus its attention on problems of production, employee relations, time-saving, time-study, control of waste, and use of by-products.

4. Marketing Management 

Marketing management should be effective, Advertising, selling, product development, and reduction in unit price are necessary to capture market.

According to Charles Babbage the following are the advantages of the division of labor:

1. Since the worker learns only one skill learning and training time is reduced.

2. Shift from one trade or skill to another is possible in less time.

3. Because of repetition of work, the worker can gain proficiency and efficiency quickly.

4. Due to specification of each part of the job, the development of special equipment and tools are facilitated.

To evaluate its productivity and cost he developed the following questions:

1. What are the defects in the product made by the machine?

2. What are qualities in the product made by the machine?

3. What is the prime cost of the machine?

4. What is the maintenance and repairing cost of the machine?

5. What is the operating cost of the machine?

2. Frederick W. Taylor 

Frederick W. Taylor is popularity known as the father of scientific management. In 1875 he started his career as apprentice. In 1878, he joined Midvale Steel Works, Philadelphia, as machine operator. During service he continued his studies in the evening and he obtained his degree in doctorate. Later he fetched the highest position in the same company. His contribution in management is great. He invented many implements and tools used in factory. His experience in laborer, apprentice, machine operator, foreman, head mechanic, and finally as chief engineer helped him understand the viewpoints, weakness, and strengths of not only workers but also the management.

When he advance his theory of scientific management he had to face a great opposition not only from the laborers but also American congress. In 1912, he was called up by the Congress to clarify his position. the charge against him was that he wanted to overload the workers and wanted them to be unemployed. There he clarified his position, and said.

"Scientific management is not a device of performance. It is not a new system to determine cost. It is not a wage payment scheme. It is not a bonus system. It is not a premium system. It is not a piece- rate wage system. It is not a time study or motion study."

"Scientific management is a mental revolution on the part of workers and management. It teaches the workers to know their duties, their co-workers and superiors. Management should also know its duties and responsibilities toward its workers."

3. Henry Gantt
Henry L. Gantt is another pioneer of scientific management. As stated earlier that the main focus of scientific management is on the maximization of productivity ignoring human element, a more important aspects of management.

Henry Gantt was one of Taylor's colleagues. He, unlike Charles Babbage and Taylor., introduced human factor in his theory of scientific management. He gave due importance to self-respect, ego, and morale of the workers. He related morale of the worker with productivity. He introduced bonus payment system. He invented a chart known as Gantt Chart which is used even today. He put his particular attention on training to improve performance of workers. He was utterly against autocratic and incompetent management. He favored an action benefiting human cause , and opposed the one damaging it. He believed in democratic relations in business and industry. 

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