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Friday, 30 January 2015

10 Qualities of An Auditor

What are the qualities of an auditor
The auditor is an independent person of professional competence, capable of rendering a professional experts and impartial opinion of the results of the audit, examination and survey
Apart from any professional qualification required of an auditor by law, (In Pakistan, the auditor of a public limited company must be a chartered accountant), the following may be regarded as the essential qualities of an auditor:

1. He must posses a thorough knowledge of the various systems of accounting and must be able to read the different scripts in which the accounts of his client may be kept.

2. He must be a master of the techniques of auditing and must have a good practical knowledge of the law directly affecting his profession.

3. An auditor should be painstaking and methodical even in the most common place things. He should be alert and vigilant to detect irregularities and suspicious circumstances.

4. He must have tact and character. He must firmly pursue the course which in his opinion is right and must not allow himself to be led or influenced by others.

5. He must be practical. If he is approached for professional advice, he must understand the practical needs of his clients and make recommendations which could suit them.

6. He must be honest, that is to say, he must not certify what he does not believe to be true, and he must exercise reasonable care and skill before he believe that what he certified is true.

7. He should have patience and should not sign anything hurriedly if he has not received the whole evidence he requires. Moreover, he should not sign anything under a promise that necessary evidence will be produced next day.

8. He should posses the courage of his convictions where there is a difference of opinion between him & his client on any important issue.

9. He should have commonsense to apply it to any set of circumstances.

10. He should be courteous and insist his staff to be so towards the client's staff.

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